Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Laughs and Carbs

I wanna know what's the deal with Sundays and pig-outs. Why do I always pig out like I'm about to hibernate for months and have to store as much fat as possible in my body...on Sundays? I'm bored for like, 5 minutes, then I decide it's time to eat something. So, as I'm eating my 3rd bowl of cereal, I happen to turn to E!- I'm watching 101 Most Unforgetable Moments on Saturday Night Live. I'm laughing so hard I can't eat.

Eddie Murphy- Black Like Me "Go on, take it!" (I'm still laughing about that)

Phil Hartman as Frank Sinatra- "I ain't afraid of you, I got chunks of guys like you in my stool!"

Lyle, the effeminite heterosexual


Hannukah Harry

The Church Lady

Chris Farley- "I'm 35 years old! And I live in a trailer down by the river!"

I need more cowbell

"Strategery. Lock Box."

"A three hour tour! A three hour tour!"

and so on....more Cap'n Crunch Berries anyone?


Denise said...

I love SNL, although I haven't been able to stay up and watch it for years. Thank goodness for the prime time editions of late.

Heidi said...

"Are you lookin' at my bum? - Bum looker, cheeky monkey."

"A sphincter says what?"
"A sphincter says what?"