Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The evolution of connection in modern times....

So, is it me or are there less brag Christmas cards going around this year? I like that. My theory is that it's because more people are doing family blogs and, well, that's where they do most of their bragging. But, seriously, even there, it seems people are bragging less. I like that.

Now, I do also notice that people are connecting in increasing quantity...but not quality. Lots of texting, blogging, facebooking, twittering going on. (I still have to understand twitter better- that's on my list of things to do next year- to understand it, I mean.) I mean, these days, I seem to have a lot of quick connections with people. Short, easy messages to express frustration, affection, connection, what have you.

But, I get the sense that I'm having less meaningful, deep, and vulnerable conversations with people. Also, is it possible that there are less person to person verbal conversations? I wonder. I wonder if that's been looked at yet....I'm sure it has. Listen, I'm just saying that if this keeps 50 years, will there be less need for talking? How 'bout in 100 years? Or 500 years? Will our vocal chords be like one of those organs that our bodies no longer need, therefore, shrink in size or become unneccesary through subsequent generations? Hmmmm.