Monday, September 29, 2008

Stuck in the middle and things I've observed

V: So I joined Facebook...
You: No duh, that's how I found your blog, dork!
V: I first I avoided it 'cause you know how I hate being another statistic.
You: So why did you join?
V: 'Cause everyone else was doing it.

So, as I've become more involved in the techno world of blogging, facebook, what have you, I've learned a few things...

1. Mormons love to blog, it is a total trend..and the closer you are to Utah, the more mormon bloggers there are. The further away, the less there are, but they are catching up.

2. People my age (ok, I'll admit it...35, I mean, 25) are at the cusp of sharing self in technoland.
People even 1 or 2 years younger than me have much higher numbers of involvement in facebook/ blogging than those my age (25) or older... with a few exceptions...

3. If you are not mormon, you are very likely to be involved in blogging/ facebook. Especially facebook. (Myspace is no longer cool- see Stuff White People Like)

4. If you are single and mormon, you don't blog as much , but you use facebook religiously...unless you consider yourself a writer or are older and are professional, with opinions to share, then you also blog.

5. If you are mormon and have a family, yes, you use facebook, but you are very likely to blog as well.

6. Lots of mormon wives who have a blog about their family love to rant and rave about how awesome/ perfect their lives are...either it's true, or they're trying to convince themselves, or they're faking it. I've also noticed the younger the wife/ family is, the more likely the picture is painted perfect, the older, the more real.

Was I crossing the line with #6? Shoot...maybe. Hey, I do it ('cause I'm in the middle). Well, not so much. That's okay, let's still love each other.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008


I've just started this book, and I better get the pee scared right outa me! Or else, no soup for you, Bram Stoker!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I got gas...I think...

Tomorrow is Joaqo's payday, and I have very little $ until then. I had $8 cash in my wallet, and my tank was totally empty, so I thought, hey, I'll just put in the $8 until'll be plenty. So I did. Um, the needle went up, like 2 millimeters. No kidding.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

On Politics....

Well, since everyone's posting about the recent conventions, I thought I'd join the bandwagon. So, here are my thoughts...
McCain- I worry about major budget problems- like we need more debt. The war? I think it was a mistake to go to Iraq- How's he gonna keep paying for it? The good- he has fought for this country and I really believe he is committed to it heart and soul.

Palin- love, love the idea of a woman being there, but this one? Not enough experience! What's her foreign policy record like? (Besides with Canada). I don't know if I could handle the idea of her being president should something happen to the other one. Good- she seems like a great representative of the average american woman - she has a whole lot experience with all that comes with it for sure!

Obama- love, love the idea of a black president for so many reasons. He is intelligent, driven, cares for the minority, understands the needs of the people of this country. But, oops! Not much experience in government, like Palin.

Biden- I think this guy's great. Tons of experience, great leadership, great morals, fights for what he believes, and I believe has some experience with foreign policy (I'll have to double check that one). But, what about the financial mess we're in? I have no idea what his background is with that.

So, to sum it up.....I think I'm going for Obama-Biden. Yeah, that's right. Those two...Um. Will you still be my friends?