Friday, May 30, 2008

I got tagged...

In all my glory and excitement last night, I forgot I got tagged by Misty. A book tag.
1. Get the nearest book to you, or one that you are reading, that contains over 123 pages.
2. Go to the 123rd page.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Post the 5th sentence.
5. Tag 5 people.

Here goes:
"All the while these things were doing you may be sure my thoughts ran many times upon the prospect of land which I had seen from the other side of the island; and I was not without secret wishes that I were on shore there, fancying the seeing the mainland, and thinking that in an inhabited country I might find some way or other to convey myself farther, and perhaps at last find some means of escape"

I know it looks like there are mistakes in that paragraph. There aren't. I'm reading Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Written in like the 1700's. It's not a book I would highly recommend. It's good if you like books like Treasure Island. But I like it.
Okay, I tag Brooke, Joanie, Rachelle, Jenny (that means you need to start the blog), and Lori (time to update that blog).

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Too cool for school

Well, I feel totally cool tonight. I officially have a personal assistant now. I mean, a personal travel assistant. Let me begin with the awesome present my dad gave me. A Garmin- a totally cool GPS for the car - that has bluetooth (raising the roof). Why? That's what I get for getting lost a few times and having to call my dad to bail me out on mapquest while I called from the car. Dad, once again, thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh, and to raise the geek bar even higher? You can download geocaches unto it. Yeah, I'm in heaven, thank you.

Now, on to the next cool thing about tonight. (Drumroll please) I hooked up Vonage. All by myself. Am I awesome? Am I cool or what? Now, I will reduce my phone bill by about 50% if all goes according to plan. 50%. And that's being conservative.

I rock. And I will bask in that feeling all night tonight. Maybe some more tomorrow.

Next step, Tivo?

I am way too cool for school.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Singin' In The Rain

So, I woke up this morning, looked out the window, and thought...
"Mother Nature, what gives?"

then I vascillated back and forth- "Should I go on my walk, or not?"

I kept coming up with reasons in my head why I should go:

*After this weekend's endless eating of bad-for-you-food, I need to switch directions again, Oh, yeah, and this evening I'm gonna eat like crap again

*The canine needs this

*This is good for Alex

*Get back on the saddle

*What about the jeans you want to get back into?

Not go:

*It's raining

*Alex has no cold weather clothes that fit him and are clean

*It's a holiday. Be lazy.

Then I thought about my neighbor who told me she was so impressed with how committed I am with my walks/runs. I remembered I replied with something like, "yeah, but it's just a matter of time before I get lazy again, that's how it always goes" She replied "yeah, me too." Then I thought, "but not today Tina!"

So I threw some clothes on Alex that are a wee bit small on him (fr. this past winter), leashed the dog, then headed out into the wild gray yonder.

Exactly halfway through my walk, when I couldn't be farther away from my warm and coushee home, the rain started. At first, it was soft and light. Quite...pleasant. No worries. Within a minute or two, I looked down on my arm to see little white balls and large drops of water landing all over me and everywhere else. So there we were. Standing like a little clump of plants on the receving end of a giant watering can being poured on us. And I smiled. We turned around and took our time coming home. We took our time because I loved walking in the rain. Alex was dry and coushee in his chariot while I contemplated on life, birth, and everything in between- as I usually do on my walks. It felt so good, that I was truly disappointed when the rain stopped about 5 minutes before the end of our walk.

Only to receive the wonderful news of a certain baby girl named Marin who was born today to my wonderful friend, K. Congratulations. And so continues newness of life. And I smile once again.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Yes, Rachelle, a shocker

American Idol.What. a. shocker. Really. I thought the little guy had it in the bag. On a side note, I was kinda worried that winning would be too much for such a young, innocent kid. And there was this part of me that was hoping he wouldn't win so that he wouldn't change. He still needs to grow up, and, yes, he still will be famous and have a music career. But maybe he won't be quite as messed up? Hope not.

Now, on to that other show that I love so much. What the heck is this about some of my favorite choreographers leaving? Shane Sparks, Dan Karaty, and Wade Robson? That really sucks. I wonder how that will affect the show. Hey, next week- Salt Lake City tryouts. I hope we made a great impression.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ar.chu.le.ta! Ar.chu.le.ta! Ar.chu.le.ta!

Monday, May 19, 2008

All aboard the hot tamale train...

Ooooo. Guess what this week is? A week of unbelievable happenings and fun times on the small screen. We have two major events: the finale of American Idol....Go David! (Archuleta of course- because he's mormon- and his nostrils). And most important...

Good times, my friends. Good times.

Friday, May 16, 2008


I don't normally watch American Idol. But this time I have followed it more or less because I like David Archuleta. I like him because his nostrils flare alot. Especially when he is listening to the judges critique him. I vote David Archuleta.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

On Women and Expos

Today Jen and I went to the Women's Expo. I always like checking things like that out- see what's new around here. We saw some great stuff, and, not so great stuff. We were amazed at all the women out there that were getting exposed in some form or another to demonstrate stuff- getting some weird thing placed on their belly- with their belly exposed. Another naked from the waist down - except for a pair of white tights and getting something done to their legs. Weird. Gave new meaning to the word expo- it was an expo, alright! The thing that stood out to me the most? There was a plastic surgeon's office there. There was a display of breast implants. I really, really wanted to pick them up and feel what they're like- to pass them from hand to hand. But I didn't. It just wouldn't feel right without acrylic nails on.

p.s. not a rip on women who wear acrylic nails, it's just that if you've ever watched Dr. 90210, it always shows close-ups of the women handling the implants and they always have acrylic nails and they pass the implant back and forth. Just an image I have in my brain.