Tuesday, March 11, 2008

On Achiving Balance...physically and mentally...

Those of you who know me know that I've dabbled with a good amount of yoga and a teensy bit of meditation in the past. This brought me peace and tranquility during times when I felt in the middle of a storm. Well, as years went by, motherhood creeped in, and there was less reason (and time) to give my all to the Eastern methods of achieving balance...until recently. Well, the past few months have been once again tumultuous. In the past few weeks, however, I have been feeling once again lighter (not physically, of course) but emotionally and a little more balanced. And wouldn't you know it? I feel the urge again to re-enter yoga-ness and meditation. This time with a little more meditation than in the past. Why now? Why, when I'm finally feeling like I can breathe? Who knows. The point is, once again, those who know me, know that I tend to follow my instinct alot and "go with the flow"- if that includes yoga "flow" and asana poses, so be it. I recently started yoga again, albeit "remedial" yoga, but, hey, it's something. A few weeks ago I read Eat, Pray, Love and a lot of the book is about the author's experience with meditation and how much it enriched her life.
My friend Lori (yeah, you) recently gave me a Shakti Gawain guided meditation cd. I started it today. Wow! I feel fantastic. Now, I'm not promising to get so in touch with the earth and the universe that soon you'll see me headed for an ashram in India, but I'd like to once again incorporate this into my life in a realistic, BALANCED way.

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