Monday, May 26, 2008

Singin' In The Rain

So, I woke up this morning, looked out the window, and thought...
"Mother Nature, what gives?"

then I vascillated back and forth- "Should I go on my walk, or not?"

I kept coming up with reasons in my head why I should go:

*After this weekend's endless eating of bad-for-you-food, I need to switch directions again, Oh, yeah, and this evening I'm gonna eat like crap again

*The canine needs this

*This is good for Alex

*Get back on the saddle

*What about the jeans you want to get back into?

Not go:

*It's raining

*Alex has no cold weather clothes that fit him and are clean

*It's a holiday. Be lazy.

Then I thought about my neighbor who told me she was so impressed with how committed I am with my walks/runs. I remembered I replied with something like, "yeah, but it's just a matter of time before I get lazy again, that's how it always goes" She replied "yeah, me too." Then I thought, "but not today Tina!"

So I threw some clothes on Alex that are a wee bit small on him (fr. this past winter), leashed the dog, then headed out into the wild gray yonder.

Exactly halfway through my walk, when I couldn't be farther away from my warm and coushee home, the rain started. At first, it was soft and light. Quite...pleasant. No worries. Within a minute or two, I looked down on my arm to see little white balls and large drops of water landing all over me and everywhere else. So there we were. Standing like a little clump of plants on the receving end of a giant watering can being poured on us. And I smiled. We turned around and took our time coming home. We took our time because I loved walking in the rain. Alex was dry and coushee in his chariot while I contemplated on life, birth, and everything in between- as I usually do on my walks. It felt so good, that I was truly disappointed when the rain stopped about 5 minutes before the end of our walk.

Only to receive the wonderful news of a certain baby girl named Marin who was born today to my wonderful friend, K. Congratulations. And so continues newness of life. And I smile once again.

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